The school started in relatively humble beginnings as a so-called “Coloured Primary School” which operated in the context of a racially classified and apartheid South Africa. It became a high school in 1965 with 250 learners and 20 educators. Its Infrastructure was also relatively limited — it consisted of one block, housing 14 classrooms, three prefabs and a woodwork room. The first principal, Mr S.K. Maharaj  was passionate about the fledgling ‘Indian’ high school and was committed to its growth. Over the succeeding years, its growth, both in terms of buildings and infrastructure, staff facilities and staffing, has been nothing short of phenomenal.

Within a few years of the opening of our school, science laboratories, lecture theatres, multi-purpose rooms, additional blocks of classrooms, specialist rooms for Technical Drawing, Industrial Arts and Domestic Science (as it was then known), a new Administration Block, a tennis court as well as a Library resource Centre (later to be converted into a Media Centre), were all built, dramatically changing the face of Raisethorpe Secondary. Indeed, positive change and transformation has always been one of the hallmarks of the Raisethorpe experience.

The history of Raisethorpe Secondary is a history of achievement and of excellence.  Raisethorpe Secondary has shown itself to be the epitome of resilience. It has always been proactive and innovative in its approach to change and challenge, and it has grown from strength to strength.